If not for Circle Tail, I would not be as mobile, confident, and capable as I am. Circle Tail and my three service dogs gave me back my life. When Circle Tail accepted my application for a service dog Circle Tail my life began to improve. In 2002 I had a surgery go horribly wrong and I thought my life was over. But in 2004, Nixa came into my life. Nixa picked up the hundreds of things I dropped in a day. Nixa leaned into me when I started to lose my balance. Nixa gave me the confidence to push myself to walk, no easy task. I began to take on the world again. Nixa crossed over the Rainbow Bridge in 2010. I refused to go back to pre-Nixa days. Nixa had given me to greatest gift possible-she gave me back my life.

Mario came into my life March 2011. I had high expectations for him. Mario exceeded them all. Mario gave me the confidence to travel more, including a trip to Scotland. Mario was a people magnet. He was a huge flirt. Mario’s extroverted behavior helped me be more social. Mario retired in April 2018. Mario is well loved and cared for and now all Mario needs to do is be a dog.

Keen and I have been partnered for four years now. Keen is sweet, calm, charming, and an astounding service dog. He knows what I’m thinking, before I do. Keen’s eyes draw me in and envelop me in support and love.

Each of my Service Dogs have helped me be a more functioning person. Each have given me the courage to live my life. Each service dog as allowed me to try new things and have given me far more than I ever expected. Each has given me safety, confidence, bravery, joy, smiles, and laughter. There are not enough words to express my unwavering gratitude for Circle Tail and my three service dogs, Nixa, Mario and Keen.