Exactly one year ago, our family was so excited. We had just found out that Kilo, a yellow Labrador retriever from Circle Tail, was soon to become our pet. When we got the call from Circle Tail, saying that Kilo needed a career change, we felt sad for him, because we knew that he had been working to become a service dog. But Circle Tail knew that Kilo would be happiest as a pet. That is something so admirable about Circle Tail—their ability and desire to figure out the best career for each dog.

In the days before we were to pick up Kilo, we had so much fun shopping around for all the things he would need. Making dog tags for him with our address and phone number felt so touching, because it made it hit home that he would really be ours. When we went to pick him up, one of the kennel assistants walked him out to us, and he greeted us with his big wide head, his beautiful brown eyes, and his sweet smiling face.

Kilo felt too anxious to do all of the things that he needed to do in order to be a service dog, but now he is so happy, living his best life as our pampered pet. He spends his time doing all of his favorite things like going for walks in the neighborhood, playing fetch, going for car rides, camping, kayaking, patrolling the backyard, watching television, going to dog training classes, and hanging out with his favorite boy in the entire world, Colin.

We continue to foster puppies for Circle Tail, and they all get to know Kilo. Kilo helps socialize the puppies, teaching them how to play appropriately and how to hang out in the house. Kilo still gets to see some of his old Circle Tail friends, because we take him to obedience school there every weekend. He loves seeing Marlys and some of his old dog friends, but he is always happy to get in the car and come back home with us. We are so thankful for Kilo, and we love being his forever family.