Eileen writes, “Jex not only helps me with my disability, but he is building my confidence to be brave and feel safe when home alone or going places without someone accompanying me.

I am so grateful to the magnificent people at Circle Tail for providing me such a loving and dedicated partner to help me enjoy life again.

Jex and I started weekly training sessions together at Circle Tail in February. By mid-March, Covid-19 was so bad halting in-person training classes temporarily. Five weeks later we were able to restart our training and it was as if we had never separated. Jex was focused and looked to me for each command.

Jex was partnered as my Hearing Dog in July and though it’s only been a short time; he is already alerting me to the alarm clock, phone, doorbell or knock and name being called. We enjoy our daily routine of walks, playtime and training sessions. He is sweet, calm and playful but becomes serious and professional when wearing his service vest. Jex loves to work! I look forward to many years together as we become a bonded team.

Thank you to Marlys, Jackie, Trainers, Fosters, Volunteers and those behind the scenes for providing those with disabilities a safer and happier life in which to live.”

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