Dargo doing “peek”- a command that keeps him close to me when we’re in line or a crowded place. He thinks it’s just free snuggles and treats time though!

Dargo was placed with Bonnie as a Service Dog in July of 2021.

Bonnie says:

I feel like we’re getting more in tune with each other as time goes by. I’m very proud of Dargo and the progress he has made. He is such a wonderful dog- he’s my best friend and excellent working partner. We are slowly adding more tasks to his “toolbox”, and he is doing very well!

Dargo is more in “work” mode when we are out and about, but he follows direction well in either place. He has improved on how quickly he looks to me when we encounter another dog as well.

He is alerting more to fainting spells, his recall and distracted recall is getting much stronger, and he has learned “button”. He is also working on learning “crawl”- which for him means growling under my legs and propping them up when I’m unconscious

We’ve really been working on better “check ins” from him when we’re “on the move”. I typically don’t have ask for “looks” anymore, and he is MUCH more engaged with me when we are out in public- which is great for alerts. Dargo is doing an excellent job and shows me every day just how intelligent he is!

Bonnie relates this story about Dargo: We were down by the lake in our neighborhood, taking pictures of a hobbit outfit I had made (because, hey why not, right?), and Dargo and I happened to do the exact same thing at once. We both noticed a strange man walking alone across the back of the lake, and apparently, we both had the same reaction simultaneously. My husband caught it on camera, but what I didn’t know until later when I looked at the photo was just how strong Dargo’s “side eye” was! He looks like a very suspicious little detective in this picture. Dargo’s reaction to my immediate unease, while cute, also lets me know he is watching me, and watching my gaze- which is so important! It just goes to show that our dogs are always watching us, and we are always giving them feedback- even when we might not know it!

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