
Helping Dogs Help People


An In Home service or hearing dog is a dog that is trained in specific service or hearing dog skills such that they can perform the skills in the home for a person with a disability.

Step 1


Determine if an in-home service dog or hearing dogs suits your needs.

  • You have a disability and would benefit from some extra assistance in the home while others are gone, but you typically have family or friends that accompany you when you are out.
  • You have a hearing impairment and manage just fine with hearing aids but don’t want to wear them when you are home.
  • You have a teen with a disability who would benefit from a task trained dog but is not yet ready for the responsibility of a public access service/ hearing dog.

Step 2

Determine if you meet the geographical and age criteria.

  • You reside within 90 miles of Circle Tail which is located on the north east side of Cincinnati, OH.
  • You are at least 14 years or older for a Service/ Hearing Dog.
  • You have a completely fenced yard.
  • No other dogs live in the home.
  • You can attend a basic obedience class with the dog within the first 3 months of adoption. You can attend at Circle Tail at no cost or show proof of completing a class at a location near your home.
  • You can submit monthly follow up reports for the first 6 months following placement and one year after that.
  • You understand there is a fee of $1500 for In-Home Service Dogs and In-Home Hearing Dogs.

Step 3

Complete the In-Home Assistance Dog Application


Step 4

Your application will be reviewed. If it appears an in-home service dog will be appropriate for you, Circle Tail will contact you for an interview and home visit.

Step 5

Once approved, you will begin the training process.